When it turns out that a baby or a toddler in the family has a chronic illness, parents face an enormous burden first and foremost emotionally but also financially. It is highly challenging to urgently seek for the adequate and effective professional care and therapies that can affect the healing procedure of the child with certain disorders.
This is where we want to give a hand. The Biomedikálisan a Gyermekekért Alapítvány (Biomedical Therapy for Kids Foundation) aims to support children living with an immature nervous system and/or with autoimmune neurodegenerative diseases and their families. (We focus on aiding (and following up) mainly the diagnostic procedure and therapies of children with epilepsy, children on the autism spectrum and children showing the symptoms of neurological immaturity or other apsects of a challenged nerological system.)
If you think - based on the information shared on our website - that we may help you, you are welcome to contact us via here provided contact information. If we may suggest, sending an email (with the description of the problem you search solution to) would be the best way to contact us.
7054 Tengelic, Óvoda utca 5.
Tax no.: 18976571-1-17
Register Office: Szekszárdi Törvényszék
Register no.: Pk.60 .007/2018/2